During a museum visit, your senses can be stimulated by smells, sounds and projections, as well as dark or bright colours in the various rooms. For some, there are too few stimuli and for others, too many.
Certain stimuli are difficult to control, which is why we offer a sensory basket to visitors. This basket includes various tools that can help you with sensitivity to stimuli. They can trigger or reduce stimuli. The sensory basket can help reduce stress.
How does it work?
Which tools are in the basket?
For whom?
The sensory basket is available to both children and adults. The sunglasses and gloves are provided in adult and children’s sizes.
Do you have any feedback about the basket? Should we include other tools that are also useful? Let us know: liesa.rutsaert@stad.gent or T 0485 54 19 37.
You will find symbols of an ear and a nose all over the museum. In these places, you can trigger or reduce stimuli as you wish.